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Nov 3, 2008

Nachman Shay. Nachash Tzefa. Memories of 1991

The year is 1991. January. The Gulf War. The first one. Saddam invaded Kuwait and threatened to upset America's oil supply. America goes to war to defend and liberate Kuwait. America builds a coalition of countries around the world against Saddam, including for the first time ever, Arab countries willing to fight for the infidel against their own brethren. Saddam threatens to attack Israel, in an attempt to crack the coalition against him.

Saddam attacks Israel by launching Scud missile attacks.

In Israel, this was my first year in Israel, it was an exciting, albeit frightening, time. Nobody knew what to expect or what would happen. The Israeli army was being reined in and stopped from responding.

And then there was Nachman Shay. He was known as "Ha'Margia Ha'Leumi" - the "national calmer". Nachman Shay was the army spokesperson at the time. It was his voice that was responsible for announcing Scud attacks, along with instructions of when to use the gas masks, when to enter the sealed rooms, when the rooms could be opened, when you could leave the room, etc.

Nachman Shay. I remember his voice clearly, as we sta and listened to the air raid siren with his voice announcing over the radio in eery calmness "Nachash Tzefa" - the codeword "for get yourself quickly into the sealed room because there is an attack and we have no idea if the Scud has a chemical warhead attached to it or not".

I found this clip. Some of you might have experienced it and this will bring back memories, some of you might be hearing this for the first time....

Nachman Shay has announced he is joining Kadima. I guess they need him in case they lead us to war again. he can try to keep everybody calm, the way he did in 1991...


  1. I remember when this was happening. I wasn't in Israel, but we were all glued to any news source we could get that kept tabs on the events...

  2. Wow. That gives me chills. I was just telling my 3rd grader about my first year in E'Y, during the war, when my yeshiva was in Gilo.
    Man, what kavanah I had in those days.
    Thanks for posting this, Rafi.

  3. I echo Neil's words - that was very emotional to listen to. It gave me memories of those scary times and Nachman Shay's calming voice. Of course, Rafi knows it was my first year in Israel too.

    Thanks for posting.

  4. Oh my, that was my first time ever hearing that "nachash tzefa" broadcast. Of course I've heard plenty about it but never live..

    Thank you for posting it.


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