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Sep 6, 2010

Offlining and Yom Kippur (video)

There is a new ad campaign being developed called "Offlining". The goal is to get people to dedicate time that is gadget-free - no blackberries, phones, ipads, ipods, etc. and just develop face to face relations with other people.

The newest ads in the campaign even invoke Yom Kippur and relate messages such as "You don't have to be Jewish to make amends for your tweets on Yom Kippur" (Lindsay Lohan), "You don't have to give up drunk dialing for Yom Kipur" (Mel Gibson), and "You don't have to be Jewish to atone for your texts on Yom Kipur" (Tiger Woods).

1 comment:

  1. We do it every week from Friday afternoon to Saturday night!


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